autism and mental health
Common Problems
Being a teenager can be a challenging time for lots of different reasons. Sometimes we can feel really worried, stressed or sad. Everyone has these feelings sometimes, but when the feelings begin to get in the way of everyday life then our mental health may suffer.
Life can seem even more challenging and confusing if you have an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis. It is important to note that some mental health difficulties can present (or look) different alongside Autism. See ASD and Mental Health to give some general information.
You might have heard of a few different mental health problems. Here are some of the common ones that young people who are Autistic may experience:
Eating Disorders
Suicidal Thoughts
Hearing Voices
Below are also some leaflets on other areas children and young people with Autism might need support with:
Restrictive Eating Sensory Processing
Introducing Routine Gender Differences
Self-esteem Sleep Difficulties
Also there are lots of general tips and strategies that might be useful. See our How to Help page with lots of links to further information for families, young people and professionals about common dilemmas and challenges with ASD.