learning disabilities
Common Problems in Children and Young People with Learning Disabilities
Having a child or young person with a learning disability can be both rewarding and challenging. Parents of all young people will experience a variety of challenges at different stages of the child's life; however, if your child has a learning disability this can be an added challenge for a variety of reasons including:
Communication difficulties.
Difficulties with not understanding common experiences.
Additional health problems.
Here is some information about what it means to have a Learning Disability
Below is a list of common dilemmas and challenges. Click on each link to see more information (there are also other helpful resources listed on each page).
Autism (ASD)
Challenging Behaviour
Challenging Behaviour Screening Questionnaire
Communication Problems
Common Health Difficulties
Introducing Routines
Puberty and Sexual Development
Pica (eating inedible substances)
Self-Injurious Behaviour
Sensory Processing
Sleep Problems
Staying at Home or Self-Isolating
Toileting and ASD
Waiting and Turn-Taking
The National Autistic Society provides information and support for people with Autism and their families and for professionals. They are a very active organisation and offer some really useful information about strategies and approaches for supporting people with Autism.
The British Institute of Learning Disabilities also have some useful information and further advice about a variety of common issues.
Local Offer is a Derbyshire-specific site which allows you to search for lots of different services, including parenting support groups, in the local area.
Further support services: Please download our Voluntary Sector and Community Services for Children, Young People and Families leaflet to see the details of list of a range of support services for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Learning Disabilities.
Mencap is an organisation providing information and advice for people with Learning Disabilities and their families
Mencap also provide specific information, advice and support for people with Down syndrome and their families