Specialist Community Advisors
Who we are
CAMHS Specialist Community Advisers are a team of qualified professionals who are all experienced in working in the field of child and adolescent mental health. We are from a range of professional backgrounds, including nursing and social work.
What we offer
The SCA team can offer:
Confidential consultation, advice and support on child and adolescent mental health issues.
Advice about how to make a referral into CAMHS and what to expect.
Attendance at multi-agency and professionals meetings where mental health concerns are being questioned.
Free training in child and adolescent mental health issues to promote the positive mental health of children and young people.
Who can access us?
Any professional working with a child or young person.
What to expect
The key aims of the SCA service is to:
Provide early intervention support and advice to professionals who are concerned about the emotional wellbeing and mental health of a child or young person.
Work alongside local Children’s Services, health, education and the voluntary/charitable sector to help identify children who may need support and ensure they access the ‘right service at the right time’.
Support and empower you to develop skills, knowledge and confidence to help young people manage and improve their own mental health and wellbeing.
How to contact your local Specialist Community Advisor
If you are a professional and need non-urgent advice, please email our team direct and one of the SCA’s will contact you to arrange a consultation.
Our email address is:
If your concern is more urgent and you need more rapid advice during working hours, please call the CAMHS offices direct, or go to the Urgent Care team webpage, for more information about their out of hours service.
If you are a parent and you need advice about your child, or a young person looking for support, please either speak to your school, GP or any other involved professional.
Parents and young people can also call the Derbyshire Mental Health helpline on 0800 028 0077 - to access further advice about the support available.